National Oral Health Conference
2022 National Oral Health Conference
Location: Fort Worth, TX, April 11-13, 2022 (with weekend workshops on April 9 and 10)
The National Oral Health Conference® (NOHC) is “the premier meeting” for those interested in continuing education and networking opportunities within the discipline of Dental Public Health. 2022 will mark the 23rd joint meeting of the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) and the American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD).
NOHC offers educational sessions on a diverse array of topics by leaders in the field and is designed for dentists, dental hygienists, health researchers, dental/health educators, legislators, public health officials, Medicaid/CHIP dental program staff or consultants, state/territorial dental directors, county/city/local dental directors, community health center personnel, students, school-based and school-linked health center personnel, federally-employed dental personnel, as well as dental manufacturers/distributors and dental insurance companies – in short, anyone interested in engaging in collaboration to improve the oral health of the public.
Registration will open in January 2022. For more information, visit their website.